The beginning
I started off on the wrong foot with 2022. I planned for chaos, if you recall. (I did not recall, I just went back through my blog. This year has been a blur). I did not take a break over Xmas, I did not pass Go, I did not collect some Me Time. Instead, I dived from hectic workload to hectic workload. Big mistake. Huge.
I felt drained and completely run down. I felt so swamped with work duties and deadlines I kept skipping gym with Boyfriend Pham. Of course, that only compounded my problems.
The middle
I did not anticipate a change in jobs after 7 years in the company, and changed industries after 17 years in entertainment, retail and e-commerce. The leap into healthcare was exciting because it'd been years since I'd learned new skills and knowledge at a steep and accelerated rate.
I've been working to get my physical and mental health in check all year. I was seriously burnt out but in denial. I stupidly did not take a break between jobs so I went from one stressful situation to another type of stressful situation. Luckily, the management levels above me all prioritise personal health so it has helped me to make time for myself rather than ignoring my body and only feeding my brain.
The end
I am on a concoction of supplements and medicines to help with a range of deficiencies. I think the thyroid meds have made the most noticeable difference though. I feel more energised and effective. It's like a haze that I never fully realised was there has lifted from my brain. I'd gotten so used to feeling exhausted, I thought it was just adulthood.
I started Reformer Pilates this year, thanks to a recommendation from a neighbour friend. I have kept up regular gym sessions with my gym buddy. I am hopeful I will start to feel and see results now my hormones, vitamins and minerals are in better ratios. I discovered at the end of this year that my blood pressure is on the high end of the normal range, so a goal for 2023 is to get my heart in better health.