Wait it out (my parenting philosophy)

by - October 14, 2024

Little Sissy Pham told me life with Nephew Pham got easier around the 3-month mark when he started to sleep better and generally be more robust. For us, it was around the 4-month mark.

The first 9 weeks were terrible because Baby Pham had reflux, which meant he couldn't be put down flat on his back to nap or sleep for about an hour after feeding (unless we wanted him to wake himself up vomiting and needing a change and being very upset). There was maybe a 5-minute window where he could comfortably do tummy time each day and I felt so guilty that I didn't put him down as much as guidelines tell us to (I fretted for nothing, Baby Pham was on his tummy almost nonstop at 4 months, and commando crawling like a champ by 5 months - a couple of months before babies usually start covering big distances with intention. He went from being most immobile to the most mobile baby in the few regular playgroups we go to).

Once he outgrew his reflux (he still spat up a lot until around 7 months), Baby Pham started having trouble pooping and would have inconsolable screaming fits before each bowel movement. That lasted a few awful weeks until I learned from our GP that he was getting too much foremilk from my boobs and it was giving him lactose overload and upsetting his belly. Then he went from belly aches before poops to explosive diarrhea that slipped out in sharts and poops - our nappy bill doubled for two months until we introduced solids at 4 months.

Around the 4 month mark when his eating and bowel movements settled, I finally felt like I got the hang of this infant parenting thing. Which is to say, anything bad? You just gotta wait it out. Babies grow so fast by the time you adjust what you're doing you don't know whether the change you made helped or if Baby outgrew the issue.

Boy, did Baby Pham have a poor streak of luck between 5-8 months. It all kicked off with his first round of teething around the 5-month mark. Every week there was something new for the next three months and counting...

Teething two bottom teeth, baby's first virus, windburn dribble rash that turned into eczema, teething top two middle teeth (one took 5 agonising days to cut through), second virus, teething round three, ear infection from swimming lessons (antibiotic ear drops were needed to fix this), third virus, food allergy hives outbreak... I'm bracing myself for what's next.

All of the above triggered overnight sleep issues. Poor bub was so uncomfortable he'd wake up every hour not able to resettle or connect his sleep cycles. Hence, this mum not writing blog entries for half a year. I have never been so exhausted and brain-dead in my life. I'm also the happiest and most fulfilled I've ever been in my life so: worth it. Though, in the sleepless nights and zombie days, what keeps me going is knowing that whatever the current hurdle is, it will pass. I'll do my best to move it along, but most of the time there are no quick fixes so I just have to try my best and wait it out.

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