OPH: Listen Out - Damian G
I'm usually not allowed to deal with the public at work - a self-enforced rule because dressing like rainbow vomit, shaved hair and head tattoos isn't quite on-brand for the day job. But every now and then during festival season, I'm forced to step out from behind the scenes - mainly because there's no one else to do what needs doing, and make a rare public appearance.
This week, I learned of a slightly distressed couple who had lost their 2x irreplaceable tickets to a very sold out Listen Out festival. Tickets are like cash y'all - hold onto them tight because once they're gone, they're gone for good! It took a few days and a little rejigging within the team, but I was able to offer them 2x VIP passes. When I called to tell him the good news, the first thing Damian asked was, "Is anyone in your team going to miss out?" He was more concerned about others than himself. That made my day - other people's happiness is even better when they're good people.
At the end of a long week, I re-read his happy email. It made me smile. Though, now the festival's nearly over I'm going back into my hidey hole. Until next time....
(So you know, my team didn't miss out either. Everyone wins.)