Stick it to me (Nursery wall decal decorations)
We had grand plans to paint baby's nursery a cute colour or paint a feature wall like in our bedroom but we never got around to it. Instead, we went with quick and easy wall decals. Boyfriend Pham wanted an Australiana-themed nursery for Baby Pham because he'll grow up surrounded by Americanisms in pop culture. It took us about 8 months after Baby was born to decorate his room because we had other things to worry about. Namely, how the hell to parent so baby boy thrives.
Somewhat ironically, we got our Australian-themed wall decals from Spain. DecoDeCoco is a small, independent business that sells their designs on Etsy. Once I stumbled upon the design, I couldn't imagine another decal set in Baby's room. This is perfectly cute. Baby animals that aren't too cartoonish or creepily realistic. And it hasn't given Baby nightmares like the giraffe soft toy a friend gifted. Baby Pham has definitely been a cuddly koala this year so his room decorations are very fitting.
Since this photo was taken we've installed blockout blinds and replaced his ceiling fan with something newer, smaller and quieter. Seems like 9 months old is when life got easier and we were able to do nice things instead of focussing on the bare minimum.