How Good Music Is Ruining The Eurovision Song Contest

by - June 01, 2013

I normally LOVE the Eurovision Song Contest and look forward to it every year and I still do. However, I must admit I found Eurovision 2013 to be underwhelming. My favourite thing about Eurovision is the over-the-topness, the desperation to stand out and impress - it should be a giant music circus! This year was just meh though the host Petre Mede nailed it with her cheeky/charming humour.

I blame the tasteful winners of years past like Loreen's Euphoria in 2012 and bloody Lena's Satellite from 2010 for Eurovision's demise. Damn you ladies and your simple staging and decent songs! Too many countries are sending inferior versions of these subtler songs and performances and it's booorrrring and painful when they don't nail it.

2013 Eurovision didn't have anywhere enough ridiculousness, "reveals" and outrageous songs for my liking. Greece sent a 'novelty' act probably expecting them to BOMB but no, they were fantastic! Romania hurt Tigger Pham's ears but they were entertaining in their own way. Moldova's dress and hair was an exception in this year's contest when it should have been the standard!
I did thoroughly enjoy Loreen's Interval Performance. If more of Europe could send this calibre of artist into the semis and final I wouldn't complain about the performances being too normal/respectable. It's just this half-assed middle ground that's ruining the Eurovision I know and love.

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