The book of J.E.M.
I love crafty gifts. Actually, I love gifts of any kind. I even loved receiving a free sample of Kool'n'Soothe migraine relief in the mail even though I don't get migraines and have had maybe four heat-stroke or dehydration headaches in my lifetime. FYI, the sample went to a good friend who's suffered regular migraines since the age of 9 and said they worked a treat!
I got the best crafty gift over Xmas. My girlfriends made a photo album of all our fun times since meeting about 3 years ago. I call it The Book of J.E.M. (Jade, Elaine and Misty). Glad I changed my name from Ngoc to Jade otherwise we would have been The Book of M.E.N. and that could be misinterpreted. Here are a few of my favourite pages from the J.E.M.:
Zee Grrls
Attack of the Cheezels
I love my former housemates and not just because they got me a Little Mermaid ice cream birthday cake.
Elaine's rainbow birthday party
The furry men in my life
I can't remember where we are in this pic but that was a fun night!!
This made me laugh so hard!
Can you believe I didn't know about Ryan Gosling Hey Girl memes until I saw this in the J.E.M.? Sometimes I fail at Internet.